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Athletics is a skill that allows you to run consuming stamina, which is recovered while not moving (if skill is disabled/enabled) and while moving (if skill is disabled).

You get 10xp each 30 tiles, so using gear or consumables that gives extra movement speed lets you get xp faster.

Stamina regens every 3 seconds.

Max stamina = 100 + 2 * level

Every 2 tiles traveled stamina is reduced by 2 points.

Every 10 lvls (10,20,30...) you get more stamina regeneration each 3s tick.

You start with 0.68 sta/s and get +0.32 sta/s every 10 lvls (this may be innacurate, read the table below for accurate info).

The next table shows the max stamina which is the amount of tiles you can travel with athletics active while moving.

Lvl Stamina (max tiles)
1 102
2 104
3 106
4 108
5 110
6 112
7 114
8 116
9 118
10 120
11 122
12 124
13 126
14 128
15 130
16 132
17 134
18 136
19 138
20 140
21 142
22 144
23 146
24 148
25 150
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