Blacksmithing Guide

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Blacksmithing is trained by smelting ores providing minimal experience and by using items on anvils for substantial experience. It is highly recommended to wear blacksmith boots (from the 1st Blacksmith's Quest) as this guide assumes you will never fail smelting. It is also highly recommended to warp to Patsow since this is the closest Bank to a Furnace/Anvil.

Do you care to know which items to smith to get the most experience out of your smelted bars? From the calculated "experience per bar" provided by the bottom (2nd) table below, efficient blacksmiths will take advantage of the largest of these values while training. Whether one gathers all material themselves, buys some, or buys all of them, players can maximize their experience rate while minimizing material usage. Yet to be included is the cost for materials and the cost per experience, which are currently volatile in variability due to market demands. One may calculate these costs from shop prices of materials, but this is not shown here due to the expected future game-balancing updates.

For the early levels of 1-20, the most time-efficient method is given here:

0. As a prerequisite, complete the Anvil's Echoes quest which you can start by talking to the blacksmith

1. Clear your inventory & get a shovel

2. Go to the beach south of the starting city (Mudwich)

3. Use the shovel on the sand repeatedly until your inventory is full

4. Go to the bank, and deposit everything that excels 100 sand

5. Go to the blacksmith and forge molten glass at the furnace

6. Forge glass at the anvil

7. Store the glass in Mudwich bank

8. Repeat steps 1-7 until Lv 20 to be able to smelt iron.

(Discovered by Lord Rothen on Steam)

From the table found directly below, one can easily follow the blacksmithing meta:

Efficient Blacksmithing Guide
From levels... To smith Bought materials required Materials req from scratch Smith XP/hr
1 to 5 Hilts
20x Tin Bar

AND 20x Log

10x Tin Ore AND 10x Coal

AND 10x Log

5 to 10 (or 20) Bronze Rings
Bronze ring.png
52x Bronze Bar 32x Bronze Ore

AND 32x Coal

10 to 25 Iron/Silver Rings
Silver ring 1.png
336x Iron Bar Iron bars req lv 20 to smelt ?
25 to 30 (Slotted) Silver Rings
Silver ring.png
278x Iron Bar 79x Iron Ore

AND 79x Coal

30 to 35 (Slotted) Gold Rings
Gold ring.png
182x Gold Bar 122x Gold Ore

AND 122x Coal

35 to 45 (Option 1) (Slotted) Gold Rings
Gold ring.png
784x Gold Bar 522x Gold Ore

AND 522x Coal

35 to 45 (Option 2) Nisoc Arrowheads (5x)
5x nisoc arrowhead.png
392x Nisoc Bar 261x Nisoc Ore

AND 261x Coal

45 to 55 Cinnabar Arrowhead (5x)
5x cinnabar arrowhead.png
1315x Cinnabar Bar 554x Cinnabar Ore

AND 554x Coal

55 to 65 Pythar Arrowhead (5x)
5x pythar arrowhead.png
2977x Pythar Bar 1230x Pythar Ore

AND 1230x Coal

65+ Ibo Arrowhead (5x)
5x ibo arrowhead.png
943,853x Ibo Bar 391,788x Ibo Ore

AND 391,788x Coal


Note that...

  • It is not recommended to train by smithing swords since a hilt is needed each time. This adds a tin bar, a log, the crafting of a hilt and 30 xp (unless hilts are purchased).
  • Whether one buys their hilts or crafts them from scratch, both data are included: "w/o hilt" means the hilts were bought and xp per bar does not include the crafting of the hilt. Likewise, "w/ hilt" means the hilts are crafted and that xp is included in the xp per bar calculation.
  • Hilts count towards the number of bars because they are crafted from a tin bar. Know that the added ingredient (log) and added step (crafting) will further decrease the xp/hr and increase the cost per xp point when crafting swords.
  • Xp per bar "From Ore" includes the experience obtained by smelting each individual bar oneself.

Experience (per bar) by Smithable Item
Name Image Materials Required Skill Level XP XP/bar XP/bar from Ore
Hilt 1x Tin Bar

1x Log

1 20 20 40
Copper Sword 2x Copper Bar

1x Hilt

1 20 6.67 (w/o hilt)

13.33 (w/ hilt)

20 (w/o hilt)

33.33 (w/ hilt)

Tin Sword 2x Tin Bar

1x Hilt

1 20 6.67 (w/o hilt)

13.33 (w/ hilt)

20 (w/o hilt)

33.33 (w/ hilt)

Bronze Sword 5x Bronze Bar

1x Hilt

5 45 7.5 (w/o hilt)

10.83 (w/ hilt)

24.17 (w/o hilt)

30.83 (w/ hilt)

Iron Sword 5x Iron Bar

1x Hilt

10 80 13.33 (w/o hilt)

16.67 (w/ hilt)

38.33 (w/o hilt)

45 (w/ hilt)

Gold Sword 15x Gold Bar

1x Hilt

30 120 7.5 (w/o hilt)

10 (w/ hilt)

54.38 (w/o hilt)

56.88 (w/ hilt)

Nisoc Sword 5x Nisoc Bar

1x Hilt

35 140 23.33 (w/o hilt)

26.67 (w/ hilt)

94.17 (w/o hilt)

100.83 (w/ hilt)

Cinnabar Sword 5x Cinnabar Bar

1x Hilt

45 180 30 (w/o hilt)

33.33 (w/ hilt)

121.67 (w/o hilt)

128.33 (w/ hilt)

Pythar Sword 5x Pythar Bar

1x Hilt

55 220 ? 36.67 (w/o hilt)

40 (w/ hilt)

149.17 (w/o hilt)

155.83 (w/ hilt)

Ibo Sword 5x Ibo Bar

1x Hilt

65 260 ? 43.33 (w/o hilt)

46.67 (w/ hilt)

172.5 (w/o hilt)

179 (w/ hilt)

Bronze Pickaxe 3x Bronze Bar

1x Log

1 35 11.67 12.67
Iron Pickaxe 4x Iron Bar

1x Log

10 80 20 50
Gold Pickaxe 10x Gold Bar

1x Log

30 120 12 62
Bronze Axe 3x Bronze Bar

1x Log

1 35 11.67 32
Iron Axe 4x Iron Bar

1x Log

10 80 20 50
Gold Axe 10x Gold Bar

1x Log

30 120 12 62
Bronze Battle Axe 3x Bronze Bar 1 35 11.67 31.67
Iron Battle Axe 4x Iron Bar

1x Log

10 80 20 30
Gold Battle Axe 10x Gold Bar

1x Log

30 120 12 62
Bronze Spear 3x Bronze Bar

1x Log

1 35 11.67 32
Iron Spear 4x Bronze Bar

1x Log

10 80 20 50
Gold Spear 10x Gold Bar

1x Log

30 120 12 62
Bronze Scythe 3x Bronze Bar

2x Log

1 35 11.67 32
Iron Scythe 4x Iron Bar

2x Log

10 80 20 50
Gold Scythe 10x Gold Bar

2x Log

30 120 12 62
Copper Helmet 2x Copper Bar 1 20 10 30
Tin Helmet 2x Tin Bar 1 20 10 30
Bronze Helmet 5x Bronze Bar 5 45 9 29
Iron Helmet 5x Iron Bar 10 80 16 46
Gold Helmet 15x Gold Bar 30 120 8 58
Copper Chestplate 3x Copper Bar 1 20 6.67 26.667
Tin Chestplate 3x Tin Bar 1 20 6.67 26.67
Bronze Chestplate 7x Bronze Bar 5 45 6.43 26.43
Iron Chestplate 7x Iron Bar 10 80 11.43 41.43
Gold Chestplate 20x Gold Bar 30 120 6 56
Copper Legplates 2x Copper Bar 1 20 10 30
Tin Legplates 2x Tin Bar 1 20 10 30
Bronze Legplates 5x Bronze Bar 5 45 9 29
Iron Legplates 5x Iron Bar 10 80 16 46
Gold Legplates 15x Gold Bar 30 120 8 58
Bronze Boots 5x Bronze Bar 5 45 9 29
Iron Boots 5x Iron Bar 10 80 16 46
Gold Boots 15x Gold Bar 30 350 23.33 73.33
Copper Shield 2x Copper Bar 1 20 10 30
Bronze Ring 2x Bronze Bar 5 60 30 50
Iron Ring 2x Iron Bar 10 80 40 70
Silver Ring 2x Iron Bar 10 80 40 70
Slotted Silver Ring 2x Iron Bar 25 80 40 70
Gold Ring 2x Gold Bar 30 200 100 150
Slotted Gold Ring 2x Gold Bar 30 200 100 150
Nisoc Arrowhead (5x) 1x Nisoc Bar 35 65 65 150
Cinnabar Arrowhead (5x) 1x Cinnabar Bar 45 80 80 190
Pythar Arrowhead (5x) 1x Pythar Bar 55 95 95 230
Ibo Arrowhead (5x) 1x Ibo Bar 65 110 110 265

Note: the experience values listed above are from the open source code, which may have been changed. Please update the table if you find any discrepancies.