Bloombox Set

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Page Guide

Bloombox Skin Petal Edge Bloom Blade Thorned Rose Weaver Carnivorous Flower Pet

Bloombox Skin
Stand Animation

Bloombox skin 1.gif Bloombox skin 2.gif Bloombox skin 3.gif

Walk Animation

Bloombox skin 4.gif Bloombox skin 5.gif Bloombox skin 6.gif

Attack Animation

Bloombox skin 7.gif Bloombox skin 8.gif Bloombox skin 9.gif

Petal Edge
Stand Animation

Petal edge 1.gif Petal edge 2.gif Petal edge 3.gif

Walk Animation

Petal edge 4.gif Petal edge 5.gif Petal edge 6.gif

Attack Animation

Petal edge 7.gif Petal edge 8.gif Petal edge 9.gif

Bloom Blade
Stand Animation

Bloomblade 1.gif Bloomblade 2.gif Bloomblade 3.gif

Walk Animation

Bloomblade 4.gif Bloomblade 5.gif Bloomblade 6.gif

Attack Animation

Bloomblade 7.gif Bloomblade 8.gif Bloomblade 9.gif

Thorned Rose Weaver
Stand Animation

Thorned rose weaver 1.gif Thorned rose weaver 2.gif Thorned rose weaver 3.gif

Walk Animation

Thorned rose weaver 4.gif Thorned rose weaver 5.gif Thorned rose weaver 6.gif

Attack Animation

Thorned rose weaver 7.gif Thorned rose weaver 8.gif Thorned rose weaver 9.gif

Carnivorous Flower Pet
Stand Animation

Carnivorous flower pet 1.gif Carnivorous flower pet 2.gif Carnivorous flower pet 3.gif

Walk Animation

Carnivorous flower pet 4.gif Carnivorous flower pet 5.gif Carnivorous flower pet 6.gif