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List of commands

  • /age - tells you the total time from when your account was created
  • /ping - tells the ping you have in your current world
  • /playtime - tells the total time spend on game
  • /pickup - pickup your pet
  • /r - reply to the last message you got from your friend or someone
  • /g - send your message in the guild
  • /global - send your message to all the worlds
  • /pm , /msg or /m *name of user* - send your message to other players

List of default key binds for Pc

  • W - moves upward
  • A - moves left
  • S - moves downward
  • D - moves right
  • +, - or Scroll Wheel - Zoom In/Out
  • M - open map
  • H - uses the top most usable item from inventory
  • Q - open quest menu
  • G - open guild menu
  • I - open invetory
  • Y - open divinity menu
  • Ctrl + Left Mouse Click - drops the item from inventory