Death of the Player

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The player will die if at any moment their health points, or hitpoints, deplete to zero.

Upon death...

  • the player respawns inside the Programmer's house in northern Mudwich
  • the player's health, mana and divinity points are restored to their maximum value
  • the player continues wearing all equipped gear
  • each inventory slot has some random chance for all items within it to be either lost or retained by the player
  • all lost items are temporarily left in a loot bag at the location of the death for ten minutes
  • the player can retrieve any items lost from the aforementioned loot bag within ten minutes at which point the loot bag will despawn and all items lost upon death will be permanently lost

Unaffected are a players experience points and thus also the level associated with any of their skills.

If a player dies again before retrieving items from the previous death, all of the above will still take place and the player may still retrieve their items from both bags within their respective despawn timers. To avoid scenarios such as this, it is recommended that the player quickly weigh the risk of repeated death against the value of the lost items (as long as they can recall what was lost).

When deciding to retrieve any items lost upon death, players should deposit any of their retained items in a bank, equip tank gear, and bring food. Remember that it is faster to teleport to a bank than to walk to Mudwich bank. One should choose to teleport to the bank closest to the location of the death. In the unfortunate case where many inventory slots were rolled to be lost upon death, the player may want to bring less food to save space for any items to be retrieved. This is important when returning to a dangerous area because if forgotten, you will need to spend time potentially wasting food by dropping or eating to clear space for the items you want to retrieve. Oftentimes, players may still bring a full inventory of food and neglect the value of the wasted food in order to ensure retaining ample health while retrieving lost items.