Game Modes

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In this page you have all 3 modes you can select when creating a new account in Kaetram.
Mode Shortcut
Default Ironman Hardcore Ironman


First game mode introduced in Kaetram you can trade and join parties with other players, enjoy benefits from guilds (in future updates). Basically no restrictions.

You drop some items from your bag when dying, you have 10 minutes to get it back.


New game mode, makes you play alone, since you can't trade or join parties with others. You can still join a guild but you won't be able to use any kind of future guild benefits.

If you die there's no new penalties, it shares the same logic as a default account but you are a solo player (dropping random items from bag when dying...).

You also get a new chat color (grey colored) and a title before your name when talking in chat.

Hardcore Ironman

Same restrictions as an Ironman player but if you die your account changes to a normal Ironman.

You have red colored chat and HCIM as a title before your name when using chat.