Getting Started

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Getting Started

Welcome to Kaetram!

The game itself is very open-ended, and if you don't know what you're doing then you might be lost. The game won't hold your hand and show you where to go, so it's up you to forge your own adventure!Entering the game you will spawn into a Tutorial map, this map is very quick and as most tutorials do, familiarizes you with the mechanics. This will also be the first appearance of the NPC Programmer. After completion you will be moved to the house in Mudwich where the Programmer resides. Leaving this house you will be presented with trees, Rats, Batterflys, and a horizontal path.

Where do I go from here?

From here what you do is up to you. Honestly I recommend just exploring the map and finding things out yourself! There's many quests and monsters that drop loot not documented on the Wiki yet.

If you don't want to explore yourself, then here's some basic info.


The game has many different skills for combat or general skilling. If you want to train your combat stats, you can train Accuracy, Strength, Defense, Magic, or Ranged. Leveling any of these skills will also level your HP. Below is a spreadsheet of how to get the earliest weapons in each respective combat style.

Combat Style How to get
Magic From the spawn point in Mudwich (Grassy Area) you can go down to come to a beach. On the right side of the beach there is a tent that contains a Wizard NPC that will give you a Quest. Finishing this quest will give you a level 1 Staff and unlocks a shop through that NPC to buy more staffs.
Archery After finishing the tutorial, you're given a Wooden Bow to get you started. Beyond that, you can get Leather Armor for Archery as drops from Bats. You can also get an Iron Bow from Skeletons.
Melee After finishing the tutorial you're given a sword to get you started. Beyond that, you can get a Copper Sword and Armor as drops from Rats. There is a house near the spawn the has a few rat spawns that is a good starting point to farm Rats. You could also kill Goblins for Tin gear.

For more information on Enemies and what they drop, check out the Enemies page.


NPC with a Quest

Quests are indicated with a blue exclamation point over a NPC's head. You can speak with them to find out more about the quest and to start the quest. Some quests have multiple parts and require specific items or specific monsters to kill.


Smithing UI

Most skills in the game are split between gathering and crafting skills. Gathering skills, such as Lumberjacking requires you to have a tool to gather with. For example, with Lumberjacking, you'll need an axe. If you do not have one, you should be able to buy one at the Clerk NPC in Mudwich.

Crafting skills require interacting with something to craft. For Fletching you'll need to use a Knife to open the interface. For Smithing, you'll need to interact with a Anvil.