Santa Quest to unlock Duhvic

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This guide will help you unlock Duhvic, you'll need to help a snowman by killing Evil Santa.

To be able to do this questline to unlock Duhvic, you'll need to do Ancient Lands Quest to unlock Aynor.

Once you finished the previous quest, a red portal will appear at your left.

Red portal appearing after finishing Ancient Lands quest.

Enter the portal then go north, whenever you can go west, then south and finally east (check the image below because that doesn't make any sense).

Route to go from Aynor to Yontil Pass (snowy zone).

Once you reached the snowy zone (Yontil Pass), you'll get a freeze debuff that makes you walk slow and takes some dmg don't worry (no need to waste your time making snow potions for that).

Location of the tree with a hidden teleport.

Go top-right of the map and walk behind a tree (it has an invisible teleport).

Tree at the top-right with the hidden teleport.

Then you'll have to talk to a snowman called Sherpa, he'll ask you for help.

Snowman that gives you the quests to unlock Duhvic.

Go north from there and enter the castle with a red flag.

Go north to reach the castle.

First of all talk to Santa's Helper, avoid killing Santa's Elf for now, because you need to talk again to the snowman first.

Talk with Santa's Helper.

After returning from the snowman you'll need to get Candy Keys to fight Santa, they're dropped from Santa's Elf (5% drop chance). Yo can farm them at the castle or the underground zone (ladder before the castle).

Farm keys at the castle or underground zone (ladder at the right).

You have two options to fight Santa, ask for help or solo. If you have to go solo get ready some potions or food and more candy keys. I suggest you to do a dummy run to see how many dmg you deal to Santa and farm keys and food based on that. Santa is located in the castle, right door (entering it'll destroy the candy key forever, so just 1 key and rest food each run).

Santa room at the right get prepared.

If you're a ranged user fighting Santa, just focus on him avoid the adds and don't let them hit you. Repeat this until you kill him and go back to the snowman.

To get to Duhvic get down the ladder that appeared at your right (if it doesn't appear try reset cache option in settings and relog).

Ladder to Duhvic.