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Name Description
Item ratpet.png
Rat Pet
A little cute rat that follows you around.
Item rathatpet.png
Rat Hat Pet
A little cute rat with a little cute hat that follows you around.
Item ratballoonpet.png
Rat Balloon Pet
A cute little rat tied to a balloon... Wait what?
Item jellyfishpet.png
Jellyfish Pet
A cute little jellyfish that follows you around. Wait how is this thing alive?
Item notsnakepet.png
Not Snake Pet
This is absolutely most likely definitely not a snake. If you think that you are wrong.
Item eyepet.png
Eye Pet
You could say, he always has his eye on you. Please end my suffering, I don't wanna write these descriptions anymore.
Item doggopet.png
Doggo Pet
A cute little doggo that follows you around. It's pretty cute.
Item catpet.png
Cat Pet
A cute little cat that follows you around. It's pretty cute.
Item probepet.png
Probe Pet
A very advanced piece of technology that seems otherwordly. What is it doing here?
Item axolotlpet.png
Axolotl Pet
Is this a flying lizard? Why is it following me?
Item rockpet.png
Rock Pet
A rock that follows you around. It's pretty cute.
Item pumpkinpet.png
Pumpkin Pet
A pumpkin that follows you around. It's pretty cute.
Item slimepet.png
Slime Pet
A slime that follows you around. It's pretty cute.
Item mousecheesepet.png
Cheese Mouse
A mouse that is made out of cheese, and it follows you around.
Item babycthulhupet.png
Baby Cthulhu
A little horror from the deep that follows you around.
Item evilpumppet.png
Evil Pumpkin
A pumpkin that follows you around. It's pretty cute.
Item comparatortankfirepet.png
Comparator Tank Fire
Yay I get to have my very own little tank.
Item comparatortankwaterpet.png
Comparator Tank Water
Yay I get to have my very own little tank.
Item snowmanpet.png
A snowman that follows you around. Brrr it's cold.
Item frostwolfpet.png
Frost Wolf
A wolf that follows you around. It's pretty cute.
Item icecubepet.png
Ice Cube
An ice cube that follows you around. It's pretty cute.
Christmas Snowman A cute little special Christmas 2023 variant of the Snowman.
Christmas Axolotl A cute little special Christmas 2023 variant of the Axolotl.
Christmas Baby Cthulhu A cute little special Christmas 2023 variant of the Baby Cthulhu.
Christmas Cat A cute little special Christmas 2023 variant of the Cat.
Christmas Doggo A cute little special Christmas 2023 variant of the Doggo.
Christmas Eye A cute little special Christmas 2023 variant of the Eye.
Christmas Frost Wolf A cute little special Christmas 2023 variant of the Frost Wolf.
Christmas Jellyfish A cute little special Christmas 2023 variant of the Jellyfish.
Christmas Lamb A cute little special Christmas 2023 variant of the Lamb.
Christmas Cheese Mouse A cute little special Christmas 2023 variant of the Cheese Mouse.
Christmas Not Snake A cute little special Christmas 2023 variant of the Not Snake.
Christmas Probe A cute little special Christmas 2023 variant of the Probe.
Christmas Rat Balloon A cute little special Christmas 2023 variant of the Rat Balloon.
Christmas Rock A cute little special Christmas 2023 variant of the Rock.
Christmas Slime A cute little special Christmas 2023 variant of the Slime.
Item carnivorousflowerpet.png
Carnivorous Flower
A dangerous and terrifying plant that follows you around. I wonder if it can protect me from mosquitoes.
Item foxpet.png
A cute little fox that follows you around. What does it say?
Item heartpet.png
A very symbolically romantic confession of love. Kinda creepy to think this was someone's heart.
Item eyeangelclusterpet.png
Eye Angel Cluster
This peculiar being seems to be staring at something in a different dimension. Never really cares about anything nearby.
Item eyeangelpet.png
Eye Angel
BE NOT AFRAID. .... okay, maybe be a little afraid.
Item luckycoinpet.png
Lucky Coin
A very lucky coin that spins and continues to follow you. Patreon reward from March 2024.
Item glitchedjackinaboxpet.png
Glitched Jack-in-a-Box
A very glitched Jack-in-a-Box that follows you around. Patreon reward from April 2024.
Item protondronepet.png
Proton Drone
At this point why even live in medieval times if we have all this high-tech stuff? Patreon reward from May 2024.
Item bloodhoundpet.png
This pet is made for Giovanni because he decided to message me privately and we came to an agreement to create this magnificent piece of art. One may say that the Bloodhound itself is a manifestation of the skin that was drawn in a similar style to this. At this point who knows, I just ask someone to draw these and they do, I try to make them aesthetically pleasing by giving ideas and input but at the end of the day it's these people that ask me for this art stuff and all I can do is sit there and just deliver. This is not a cry for help, I am just writing this text for the sole purpose of explaining the origin of this pet. When it comes to really coming up with ideas I would much rather just focus on the coding aspect, and integrating this stuff. If you asked me to draw art then this game would be a complete mess, as a prime example, just look at the previous versions of this. Regardless, I think I have wasted enough of your time with this description, I'm going to go back to coding this new Godot release or whatever. If you ever feel lonely just remember, I do not care, just figure that stuff out on your own and don't come to me for help. Really, don't. Don't even message me. I don't exist, none of this exists. Existence is meaningless.
Item apophispet.png
Ancient mythological serpent that has been dialed down a bit for the sake of this game. Special pet.
Item flyingpicklepet.png
Flying Pickle
A very peculiar angel-winged Pickle that follows you around religiously. Patreon reward from June 2024.
Blaze Doggo A very hot doggo. I would be careful with getting too close to this one.
Maga Hat This hat is not political whatsoever, do not even think about it.
Tombstone How exactly is this thing moving?
Yellow Octopus A bright little yellow octopus, might be radioactive or infused with magic, no one really knows the difference.
Void Creature A creature from the void itself, which for some reason wants to follow you around.
Void Creature A creature from the void itself, which for some reason wants to follow you around.
Io A very advanced piece of technology that seems otherwordly. What is it doing here?