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Name Price Description
Item hotsauce.png
Hot Sauce
150 It's really weird why random mobs would be carrying this item. Like what could they possibly use this for?
Item cure.png
150 Are you poisoned? Have you been involved in a fight with a poisonous snake or venomous spider? Well this is the cure for you!
Item firepotion.png
Fire Potion
250 Feeling a little hot? Have you been burnt to a crisp and can't seem to shake off that burning sensation? The fire potion is the answer to your ailments!
Item snowpotion.png
Snow Potion
25 A magical potion received by some weird monument. It temporarily prevents the player from taking damage from the cold.
Item blackpotion.png
Black Potion
100 This potion is not at all suspicious. Drink up, it's really yummy!
Item speedpotion.png
Speed Potion
200 Drinking this will probably speed up your attack rate for a short period of time. I think.
Item accuracypotion.png
Accuracy Potion
500 If there's one thing I know is that potions in this world are always sketchy and do something else from what their name implies. I hope that's not the case here.
Item defensepotion.png
Defense Potion
500 Drinking this will make give you some serious defense for a short period of time.
Item strengthpotion.png
Strength Potion
500 Do you wanna partake in maximum damage contests? This potion is probably your best friend.
Item archerypotion.png
Archery Potion
500 Drinking this will probably increase your archery skill for a short period of time. I think.
Item magicpotion.png
Magic Potion
500 Drinking this will probably increase your magic skill for a short period of time. I think.
Item superaccuracypotion.png
Super Accuracy Potion
1000 Drinking this will probably increase your accuracy for a short period of time. Probably more than the other potion that is worse.
Item superdefensepotion.png
Super Defense Potion
1000 Drinking this will probably increase your defense for a short period of time. Probably more than the other potion that is worse.
Item superstrengthpotion.png
Super Strength Potion
1000 Drinking this will probably increase your strength for a short period of time. Probably more than the other potion that is worse.
Item superarcherypotion.png
Super Archery Potion
1000 Drinking this will probably increase your archery for a short period of time. Probably more than the other potion that is worse.
Item supermagicpotion.png
Super Magic Potion
1000 Drinking this will probably increase your magic for a short period of time. Probably more than the other potion that is worse.
Item beermug.png
100 Nothing is quite as refreshing as a beer, though this may potentially inhibit your accuracy for a wee bit.
Item clamchowder.png
Clam Chowder
250 A delicious soup made from clams. It's a bit salty though. Heals: +{instantAmount} HP instantly and +{healAmount} HP over 20 sec.
Item soul.png
5 A lesser soul, dropped by lesser monsters. It won't give you much.
Item spirit.png
10 The soul of a somewhat not so lesser monster. It's a bit better than a lesser soul.
Item essence.png
15 Soul belonging to a powerful monster.
Item psyche.png
20 Soul belonging to a very powerful monster.
Item ethos.png
25 Soul belonging to a very very powerful monster.
Item pneuma.png
100 The legendary soul of a formidable monster.